* Example of starting octave in WSL2, and loading in two columns of data from a text file
  And then plotting them with three different graphics environments (gnuplot is prob the most robust)

    > octave --no-gui

    % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    graphics_toolkit gnuplot
    fp = fopen('datafile.txt', 'r');
    greg = fscanf(fp, '%f %f', [2 Inf]);
    tvec = greg(1, 1:end);
    yvec = greg(2, 1:end);
    plot(tvec, yvec)
    % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    graphics_toolkit qt
    fp = fopen('datafile.txt', 'r');
    greg = fscanf(fp, '%f %f', [2 Inf]);
    tvec = greg(1, 1:end);
    yvec = greg(2, 1:end);
    plot(tvec, yvec)
    % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    graphics_toolkit fltk
    fp = fopen('datafile.txt', 'r');
    greg = fscanf(fp, '%f %f', [2 Inf]);
    tvec = greg(1, 1:end);
    yvec = greg(2, 1:end);
    plot(tvec, yvec)
    % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

* Interactive gnuplot commands

  (you can get these commands by starting gnuplot from bash - then type "show bind")

2x<B1>             print coordinates to clipboard using `clipboardformat`
                   (see keys '3', '4')
<B2>               annotate the graph using `mouseformat` (see keys '1', '2')
                   or draw labels if `set mouse labels is on`
<Ctrl-B2>          remove label close to pointer if `set mouse labels` is on
<B3>               mark zoom region (only for 2d-plots and maps).
<B1-Motion>        change view (rotation). Use <ctrl> to rotate the axes only.
<B2-Motion>        change view (scaling). Use <ctrl> to scale the axes only.
<Shift-B2-Motion>  vertical motion -- change xyplane

Space              raise gnuplot console window
q                  * close this plot window

a                  `builtin-autoscale` (set autoscale keepfix; replot)
b                  `builtin-toggle-border`
e                  `builtin-replot`
g                  `builtin-toggle-grid`
h                  `builtin-help`
l                  `builtin-toggle-log` y logscale for plots, z and cb for splots
L                  `builtin-nearest-log` toggle logscale of axis nearest cursor
m                  `builtin-toggle-mouse`
r                  `builtin-toggle-ruler`
1                  `builtin-decrement-mousemode`
2                  `builtin-increment-mousemode`
3                  `builtin-decrement-clipboardmode`
4                  `builtin-increment-clipboardmode`
5                  `builtin-toggle-polardistance`
6                  `builtin-toggle-verbose`
7                  `builtin-toggle-ratio`
n                  `builtin-zoom-next` go to next zoom in the zoom stack
p                  `builtin-zoom-previous` go to previous zoom in the zoom stack
u                  `builtin-unzoom`
Right              `builtin-rotate-right` only for splots; <shift> increases amount
Up                 `builtin-rotate-up` only for splots; <shift> increases amount
Left               `builtin-rotate-left` only for splots; <shift> increases amount
Down               `builtin-rotate-down` only for splots; <shift> increases amount
Escape             `builtin-cancel-zoom` cancel zoom region

                   * indicates this key is active from all plot windows

* Plot simple graph

  graphics_toolkit gnuplot
  xvec = (0:400)*6*pi/400;
  yvec = sin(xvec);
  plot(xvec, yvec);

* Very important


  graphics_toolkit gnuplot

fs = 2e6;
wc = pi / 4 * fs;
df = fs / 2 / 1000;
f = (0:1000) * df;
s = i * 2*pi*f;
T = 1/fs;
z = exp(i*2*pi*f*T);
Ha = 1./(1+s./wc).^2;
plot(f, Ha)

figure --> bring up a figure window

'      --> transpose operator

;      --> end of a row in a matrix

start:end or start:step:end

>> a = [1:1:10]
a =

    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10


octave --gui


* complex numbers --> i or j

* ; --> suppress printing answer

* a = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]

* format long
  format short

* b = zeros(5, 1)

* A(4, 2) --> row=4 col=2

  rows begin at 1
  cols begin at 1

  strangely, you can refer to this as A(8)

  The data in an array is stored in terms of columns serially

* A(1:3, 2)  --> column vector taken from col=2

* A = 0
  A(10, 6) = 1.5

  (this add 9 rows and 5 cols)

* A(3, :)

  B = 0:10:100 --> [0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100]

  B = 0:10     --> [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]

* D = rand(3, 5, 2)

* save myfile.mat

* load myfile.mat

* (begin example myfile.mat)

# Created by Greg Warwar

# name: greg
# type: matrix
# ndims: 2
 3 2

# name: shan
# type: matrix
# rows: 3
# columns: 2
  1 4
  2 5
  3 6

* (end   example myfile.mat)